_ introduction
_ tag-soup
_ uncovered-pointed
_ curtain and beyond
_ threshold song
_ twin constellation
_ lied
_ elliptical
_ facing the distance
_ spirals
Gianni Mimmo _ soprano saxophone on right channel
Harri Sjöström _ soprano saxophone on left channel
music _ istant compositions by Harri Sjöström &Gianni Mimmo
recording _ Live at Baucchund Salonlabor Berlin, 2010, June the 4th
sound engineer, mixing, mastering _ Patrick Römer, Unisono studio, Berlin
cover photo _ Elda Papa
inside photo _ Manuela “Shanu” Vallaro
graphics _ Mirko Spino
production _ Gianni Mimmo for Amirani Records
Thanks to Christoph Böhm and the Bauchhund staff