Lasting Ephemerals

Gianni Mimmo & Alison Blunt

Apr 2014


Side A:
1. Lasting Ephemerals

Side B:
2. Elliptical Birds
3. Scherzo


Gianni Mimmo _ soprano saxophone
Alison Blunt _ violin
Music _ instant compositions by Alison Blunt & Gianni Mimmo
Live Recording _ St. Leonard’s Shoreditch Church, London, UK, 26th June 2013
Sound Engineering, Mixing, Editing _ Matt Saunders
Mastering _ Maurizio Giannotti, New Mastering Studio, Milano, Italy
Liner Note _ Massimo Ricci,
Cover Photo _ Chiara Meattelli & Dominic Lee, London, Uk
Graphics _ Nicola Guazzaloca
Production _ Gianni Mimmo for Amirani records
                   Fabrizio Perissinotto for LongSong Records
                   Teriyaki records


Warmest appreciation and thanks to the D.C.C. of St. Leonard's Shoreditch Church and Robin T. Hatton-Gore.

Gianni Mimmo plays GLOGER HANDKRAFT saxophone neck andMASTERCLIP™ ligature

Lasting Ephemerals

Gianni Mimmo & Alison Blunt - Lasting Ephemerals by Amirani Records


"A wonderful collaboration. Both of them switching between lyricism and extended noise making fluidly, echoing each other and taking time out to listen. I spent half of their set in a semi conscious mystical state.”


"A wonderful collaboration. Both of them switching between lyricism and extended noise making fluidly, echoing each other and taking time out to listen. I spent half of their set in a semi conscious mystical state.”
Michael Holland

A great pairing, meshed like watch cogs, a face with 17 hours working to forgotten moons. A lesson in the creation of spontaneous sound; all you could ask for from an improvised performance.

Ettore Garzia

Specie nella title track potreste seguire storie letterarie: a me ha fatto venire in mente le vicende di Dorian Gray, sia per le surrogate atmosfere notturne dei rientri in casa, sia per le sorprese (puntellate da una intensità crescente degli strumenti) degli avvenimenti nell'abitazione. Una collaborazione di alto livello e, certamente, uno dei lavori più riusciti del sassofonista italiano di tutta la sua carriera.

Massimo Marchini

A work of deeply moving inspiration, pure art, golden new music.

Touching Extremes
Massimo Ricci

[…] The alert gracefulness and reciprocal regard through which Mimmo and Blunt explicit their intertwined instrumental togetherness convey the same sense of fulfillment that irradiates the most surprisingly revelatory instants of normality... The pair is willing and ready to show the listener how peace can be restored, nimbly sailing to calmer waters without apparent effort: a musician's thorough control of his/her means of expression is something that can be attained only by "living" the instrument day in, day out, a principle respected as The Word by authentic improvisers... –

All About Jazz
David Wayne

Lasting Ephemerals is free improvised music of unparalleled beauty and delicacy.

Musica Jazz
Alberto Bazzurro

Their work progresses beautifully and purely even in its few tenser situations, suggesting that, if the perfect work doesn't exist, this is as close as you can get.

Blow Up
Stefano Isidoro Bianchi

A perfect listening experience.