Gianni Mimmo ha costruito una reputazione internazionale grazie ad una voce di sax soprano peculiare e a una ricerca personale irriducibile.

Il suo tratto distintivo è l’accostamento fra distanti declinazioni artistiche, il suo stile si avvale di una conoscenza profonda dello strumento e di una coscienza sonora che è elemento costitutivo del suo linguaggio espressivo.

Interessato da sempre alla contaminazione fra le arti ha partecipato a numerose attività inter-disciplinari, con particolare attenzione al rapporto musica-testo e musica-immagine.

Si dedica alla composizione attraverso la partitura grafica con un pensiero forse neo-formale, dislocando elementi/incroci che scaturiscano una visione multi-prospettica, uno stimolante percorso interpretativo e una più profonda consapevolezza dei pesi drammatici e timbrici in gioco.

Suoi numi tutelari paiono provenire dal jazz più avventuroso, come Steve Lacy e Roscoe Mitchell, della musica contemporanea come John Cage, Robert Ashley, Earle Brown, dell'arte Jackson Pollock, John Mclaughlin,  Toti Scialoja, M. Sironi, F. Casorati.

Il suo lavoro è stato ottimamente recensito dai più importanti magazine e le sua collaborazioni includono, fra molti altri nomi quali: Harri Sjöström, Alison Blunt, John Russell, Daniel Levin, Hannah Marshall, Elisabeth Harnik, Clementine Gasser, Gianni Lenoci, Cristiano Calcagnile, Lawrence Casserley, Martin Mayes, Vinny Golia, Garrison Fewell, Benedict Taylor, Gino Robair, Jean-Michel van Schouwburg, Nicholas Isherwood, Ove Volquartz, Nicola Guazzaloca, Xabier Iriondo,  Michele Marelli, Teppo Hauta-hao ,Mario Arcari, Achim Kaufmann, Matthias Bauer, Veli Kujala, Enzo Rocco, Angelo Contini, Stefano Pastor, Stefano Giust, Alessio Pisani, with dancers Marcella Fanzaga, Norontako Bagus Kentus, Sebastian Prantl, la fotografa Elda Papa. Collabora inoltre con danzatori, poeti, video-makers, performance teatrali.

Gran parte della sua attività concertistica si svolge in tutta Europa e Stati Uniti, in rassegne e festival internazionali.

E’ fondatore ed è direttore artistico della label indipendente Amirani Records.

Prossimi Concerti




March 24 to April 6 Gianni Mimmo plays Hashira Yamamoto photographs. Recording and live concerts in JAPAN




May 14 to 18, 2025 - Gianni Mimmo soprano sax-Ove Volquartz (bass and contra bass clarinets, flute) SAY WHEN (AUT RECORDS)cd launch MONOPOLI, ITALY at Gianni Lenoci's studio plus other dates in BARI area


Graz (A)


WILD CHAMBER TRIO ( Gianni Mimmo soprano sax, Elisabeth Harnik piano, Clementine Gasser 5-string cello)




WILD CHAMBER TRIO ( Gianni Mimmo soprano sax, Elisabeth Harnik piano, Clementine Gasser 5-string cello)


Wild Chamber Trio live at MUG – Munich Underground at Einstein Kultur

Thursday, 13 March 2025  8 p.m.
MUG – Munich Underground at Einstein Kultur

Gianni Mimmo, soprano saxophone [I]

Elisabeth Harnik, piano [A]

Clementine Gasser, cello [CH]

About a dozen years after their debut recording,the Wild Chamber Trio, a cross-alpine meeting of the Italian Gianni Mimmo, Swiss Clementine Gasser, and Austrian Elisabeth Harnik, luckily decided to pick up the threads again, and will take us on a joyride through the land of jazz energy and classical sonority without a road map.

The idea of playing improvised music in a “chamber” setting dates back to the early 60s, when cool-jazz reed player Jimmy Giuffre stepped further away from convention in the company of the then-young, now-legendary Steve Swallow and Paul Bley. Compared to the explosive, confrontational, blues-steeped flights of his more-famous contemporary Ornette Coleman, Giuffre’s drumless music was one of an intimate, boundless, searching dialogue.

Sixty years later, the trio continues the conversation, navigating through sounds of considerable variety and surprising originality. All three constituents possess the prerequisite musical skills for high-level free improvisation. They have the musical ears and brains to pick up and instantly expound upon the most abstract statements of their partners, and the physical ability to execute each impulse seamlessly.

The real liberating factor in the group, however, is the huge range of effects the musicians conjure from their actual instruments. The possibilities for new textures expand with each successive minute of their musical conversation. When the trio deals in notes, their dialogues show deep invention and expert cohesion, but when they play with sounds, they attain near-telepathy. 

The improvisations open with powerful collective statements of atmosphere, and at moments of climax, the ensemble sound is an overwhelmingly rich cacophony, leaving the listener with the wish not to let the concert ever end.

Location: MUG – Munich Underground at Einstein Kultur
Entrance fee: 15 Euro, members of Offene Ohren e.V. 12 Euro, free admission up to 21 years (inclusive)



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